Website Tips + Reflection

To say the least, building my website has been very fun. I’ve really enjoyed trying to find perfect type pairings as well as making sure everything is unified. At the start, I knew the look I wanted to go for and had no trouble creating it. I’m very happy with how it turned out and it has been very beneficial to me!


  • Try to have a vision before you get all crazy with exploring. Knowing what you’re looking for makes it so much easier to filter through the things you don’t need and doesn’t consume nearly as much time.

  • Make sure you’ve done your reading or know how to use the service for your website. If you mess something up early on, it could cause a lot of issues for you in the future.

  • Know what you’re trying to communicate. Is your website an explanation of who you are, or a portfolio, or an online shop for your work? Figuring this out can help you with your site setup and to determine hierarchy among your pages.

  • Watch your color palettes. Color can be very distracting, and if used the wrong way, can make your website unattractive or difficult to navigate through. Color can also be important though, when you figure out how to use it in the right places. Save it for the good stuff, and make the rest easy on the eyes.

  • When making your portfolio, make sure you curate it. Don’t put literally everything you’ve got on there, as it can be quite distracting. Also, certain people only want to see your best work. Put it out there!


If I could have done something differently, I would have spent more time checking out the different templates. I like the one I selected, but sometimes wish I could play around a bit more. I also think I would have liked to structure things differently, and make them more designer-ly, but these limitations are killer!


In the future, I would like for my website to have a few things. I’d like to add a shop section where I can sell prints of my work and other miscellaneous things. Another thing I would like for my website to have is a commissions section; I want to show off what I’ve been paid to do! The last goal I have for my website in the future is to redesign it with my changing interests; right now, it’s black and neon green, but I go with the flow, so I’d like to change it along with my resume and business card.


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